We sharpen a brand’s competitive edge, so they stand out rather than blend in and lead rather than follow.

Some of challenges we’ve tackled:

  • A decade ahead.

    We helped a global men's personal care brand explore progressive masculinity to remain relevant for the future.

    We defined strategic direction and a roadmap towards 2030. Engaging with experts helped to inform a future consumer hypothesis. Trends and adjacent categories also informed new steps and leaps for the roadmap that will keep the brand on the front foot to be category leaders.

  • One technology, five brand stories.

    We helped a portfolio of global brands respond to new behaviours to remain competitive and compelling.

    We uncovered new opportunities based on newly discovered behaviours to create new offerings in a crowded category. We depicted each brand visually to demonstrate how one technology could tell a unique brand story.

  • Defining where to play.

    We explored an emerging sub-category in USA personal care, where start-ups are rapidly occupying the market.

    We uncovered signals and clues by exploring trends and markets, to piece together hotspots.

    We framed opportunities to enable stakeholders to recognise the scale of potential, rather than immediate near-term tactics.

  • A consumer pull, for a technology push.

    We defined the hook and motivator to encourage people in the USA to make the sustainable choice with a game-changing technology.

    By exploring existing data and research we uncovered clear new opportunity spaces to create a ‘pull’ for consumers.

    Working with global brands teams we structured and defined different brand propositions, under one common technology benefit.

How we do it:

Defining the way ahead.

  • Exploring a market to understand gaps & opportunities for a point of differentiation and looking to adjacent or out of category influences to draw inspiration and shape direction.

  • Exploring trends and signals that are emerging, to inform what's next.

  • Guided discussion with experts around a topic and specialism to influence the direction and opportunity for innovation.

  • Connecting the dots to bring several opportunities together to create a big idea to launch opportunities from.

Depicting how to get there.

  • Bringing to life what's possible, plausible, probable, or preferable.

  • Plotting and detailing the stepping stones from now, to next, to beyond.

  • Creating a portrayal of the future to aid the imagination of what's possible.

  • Establishing anchor points for multi-functional teams to explore and deliver the same vision.